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Overview / History

front of South Euless Elementary

South Euless Elementary serves an average of 650 students and their families. As a School Wide Title I Campus, we offer several innovative programs that meet the unique and diverse needs of our students in grades pre-kindergarten through sixth grade. In addition to our classroom teachers, our staff includes specialists in these areas: ESL, Instructional Resource, Speech Therapy, Reading, Writing, Science, Math, Advanced Academics, Music, Suzuki Strings, Art, PE, Library, and Counseling. Collaboration and teamwork enable the entire staff to efficiently serve the South Euless Elementary community.

As of 2013, students have been educated on this site for 100 years. Opened as the Euless School in 1913, our campus proudly displays a historical marker outside the front entrance that details the history of teaching and learning on this site.

Campus Mission Statement


Every Student Every Day Excellence


HEB ISD Core Messages

  1. Students are responsible for their own learning.
  2. Quality teachers and effective schools are essential to students' learning.
  3. Parents and patrons are vital partners in the education process.
  4. A safe environment for every student and employee is a prerequisite to learning.
  5. Decisions and actions, at all levels, focus on and support effective student learning.


South Euless Achievements 

South Euless Elementary has been recognized as a Title I Distinguished Performance School for 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012.